Great news……thank you for your efforts!

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Here is more land theft of Americans via the Carbon Capture scam:


It's completely cost prohibitive & they push the rest on the states without telling them:


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Well, the United Nations is still trying to destroy us via their Global Green Ponzi Scheme. Someone needs to explain why Wyoming and North Dakota weren't contacted to find out the problems they are having since passing their application for Class VI Primacy. Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS) is not only the most absurd prong of the green scam, it's cost prohibitive. States will need to contribute much more than are told up front.

According to the below story, the UN states CCUS is very temporary and will be replaced quickly by full wind/solar. How are new jobs permanent, if the Carbon Con isn't? What will we use the other 15 hours that wind/solar doesn't work?

The oil and gas industry is saying one thing for the subsidies and the Faux Greeners are saying the opposite. So what does our mini DC do? Agree on a very dangerous (to the community) con that will bankrupt our state, steal private property and be left to accept all the blame and damage since the weaponized EPA was so willing to hand over their power to the states under the guise of getting around their own strangling regulations.

Perhaps someone can explain this article that belies everything most of our politicians are pushing? Before you read the title, expand the picture. I tried it with some neighbors and guess what they thought it looked like? https://www.theverge.com/2022/9/23/23353054/carbon-removal-project-bison-wyoming-direct-air-capture

Globalism can't happen with an armed society, and energy independent society and Free and Fair Elections.

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Just testing to see if I can post.

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