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I'm gemratrful the bill passes but with that said, I don't need the govt to define to me what a woman is. We shouldn't even have to create such bills.

My creator, Jesus Christ gave me my rights,my right to life. Liberty and happiness. The right to property, the right to eat the herbs if the field, the right to have cattle, to eat neat, drink raw milk, goats milk and so the list goes on.

Our great Constitution inspired by God reaffirmed my, our God given rights, it established the 3 bran he's of Gov't and their very minimal duties. We have seen nothing but abuses of power,bills created and passed without the consent of we the people.

I suggest strongky we get the unconstitutional unlawful QUARANTINE LAW fir the people of Louisuana off of the law books. Louisiana publucservants had no moral legal lawful right to put thus on our law books and should be REMOVED IMMEDIATELY because they will fast use this law with a fake virus ir synthetically induced virus against the people of Louisiana. For those who haven't read this law , go read it. It gives the secretary of publuc health to quarantine us if THRY deem so. Fake pcr test are being ysed to detect viruses l, covid 19, sars-civud 2, has NEVER been isolated. No virus has ever been isolated and that is a truthful proven fact. We as people must demand this quarantine law, again that is unconstitutional, we fud not have a voice in this law just as we haven't in 99 % of said laws. The Govt overreach is at 100% and it is we the people of our state that the God given right, that is spelled out in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence to address lawfully and peacefully and remove. It is our duty, our responsibilities. The freedoms, l8berties of our children and grandchildren rest upon OUR shoulders. We must stop defending in Govt publuc servants because the majority, minds a handful have been bought by the powers to be. They have believed in their promises of big $$$$$ and safety fir themselves and their families and because they have walked so far from God they have forgotten God and his promises to the wicked. They believe they will be safe in their bunkers, their city built tunnels but we kniw what Gid said, no one can hide from him, don't be fooled to think you can hide under a Rick ir cave as he will crush you. I'm putting thus in y own word but you kniw , I kniw these truths. They will get away with coming against God and hus people for a season but then the time shall come thry will ge destroyed, all the wicked, all the unrepentant. So we must gird up our loins, out on the Armour of God, be a repentant people,enforce the Constitution , be the kaw enforcers we are intended to be by God and our Founding. Read, study. Pinder and pray about our Cinstitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence l, read study the federalist papers,oh my hiw much you will learn. We have been warned but also given the path by which we can defend these greatblessings of God. If we don't, if we continue to all8w our state oubluc servsnts to dishonor, God, our Constitution, and we as a people and families, we will surely reap what we sow . Let's get busy uniting as people under God in our great state. Stop asking permission from our publuc servants what we can and can't eat or drink. They don't want ys drinking raw milk because it's heakthy, it builds our immune systems, UT fights against disease. Yet ni ban on unhealthy toxic McDonald's, pizza, chic filet, hight sugar, corn syrup tixuc cereals for children and adults etc oh no we can eat all the bugs, Kab grown meat, synthetic milk, breath in toxic air that us spreads across our skies day and night, hmget jabbed with toxins they call vaccines etc etc etc etc all day Long and our publuc servsnts jyst sit back and alliw it. WHT? Becsuse thry are promised they will be safe, they will have safe finds, milk to eat and drin and all the money they will ever need. Do know thus when the glibalist are done using them ti build up their one world govt, one world religion, every last one if them will be thrown away like garbage, they will no longer need them. In fact these globalist will fight among themselves for power, to be the leader. Ibwill end thus by saying we are definitely in the last of the last days, it's my prayer that we will be on the right side of God. We will soon see tribulations not like anything we have seen. Then the destruction of the wicked eill come. I pray everyday for our govt public servants and buden even though he us a selected president. That their hearts be softened, that thry feel such pain in their hearts for their evil that they repent . I don't hate anyone, I don't wish bad on anyone. My desire is to see public setvants and citizens repentant, uniting together under God. That their souls be saved.

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