There is an coordinated effort to remove parental authority across the US. Here is the story of how it is happening in Mississippi. https://open.substack.com/pub/rebeccachaney/p/capture-the-children?r=1w7aba&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Great Mississippi update. We are great friends with Restore Liberty. The parents are indeed the first line of defense and they really need to start showing up and participating in policy if we hope to defend children in every state. This is part of the same movement to sexualize children, sever parental authority, and own our future through indoctrination-it’s Marxist Revolution regardless of what it’s disguised as. They have no love for children, they are simply tools for their social engineering agenda to transform our nation to Democratic Socialism.

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Wow-that’s insane and must be brought to an end. We’ve got a 50 state campaign to protect minors from any trans procedures based on MTGs Protect Children’s Innocence Act. Click here for your state>>https://www.actforamerica.org/act-now/Protect_Childrens_Innocence

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I checked and Louisiana is not on the list. I am appalled that we are letting this happen to our children in Louisiana. Let's get behind our leaders who are working on correcting this situation in Louisiana.

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If you enter a Louisiana address into the campaign you will have every state lawmaker including the Governor and Attorney General appear and, with one-click you send an email to all of them. I like to call this the shock and awe treatment.

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As a side...good there was no pic for bel Edwards.

Also, if I had chose to “X” my reps, it wouldn’t have gone to my Louisiana US Senator but to the wonderful John Kennedy so I didn’t. It’s very important to keep rino cassidy informed even though all know he does his and his wife’s leftist kowtowing.

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This is great. I was speaking to a fellow volunteer at Council on Aging and this sweet retired woman told me that she volunteered for the fed's Head Start program and she was only allowed because her income was under a certain threshold. They use a "stipend" tactic (I guess to make threshold legal?) that she refused. They let her work there and then decided they needed to include her retired husband's income & booted her out.

They beg for volunteers, but only those who must depend on government? Not those with their own means?? Not those free to report anything without their incomes threatened?

In addition, over a year ago I overheard a woman tell her friend that she had worked at Head Start, but they don't allow them to correct or reprimand bad behavior and the children are allowed to walk all over the teachers, so she quit.

Control the Children, Control the World. We also forwarded this information to our Louisiana Health Freedom group and asked them to keep an eye while we help our Senior causes that were the only ones NOT awash in Covid Cash. The latest Senior abuse by our government is that they were trying to change out their Meals on Wheels milk for some generic orange powder to mix with water. I think we stopped that.

They keep pushing the abuse so we appreciate all the help we can get for those who can't fight for themselves. Accountability seems a thing of the past with too many of these politicians. Thank goodness we have a Freedom Caucus and people like you.

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Convention of States volunteers pointed this out to the legislature in the 2023 session and will consider supporting this bill in the 2024 session. See La. R.S. 40:1079.1, which needs to be repealed or edited.

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