Very excellent, thank you!

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Excellent! Screw all these freedom of speech suppressors! Way to go Louisiana Freedom Caucus! Don't let anyone tell you different. Screw'em.

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JESUS. Look real Louisiana folk understand decorum and we like to do stuff face to face. If a situation is so serious you got to be talking about 1776, then don't write from the safety of your desk to start some petty international mess, you go do it to their face on their land. We pay our tax dollars for you to lead and not become little boys who improperly use and weaponize the word "WHEREAS". The low energy, low skillset, ignant folk love this kind of stuff, but you stirring up old historical beef just to drag the entire nation into this bs says you have never had a fight a day in your life and you don't have the education or the maturity to understand the misuse of your power which was not meant to talk s*** miles away where we don't know if Commissioner Rowley will read this bs or not. GROW UP!!! You all for damn sure can't talk about freedom and liberty when you openly stand trying to take it away from others. There is no war in the history of America that has been won by White Men. Every war was won with the help of women , Black People both free and slave, Native American, Mexican, etc. Hell even the White House is not built by White men. Delete this mess and if you really feel this way I dare you to go over there and say this s*** to his face. Yall them soft boys who hide and meet in the dark pretending to be alphas but ya scared of your own shadows.

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