DATE: May 31, 2024
CONTACT:, (225) 267-7858
BATON ROUGE—U.S. Congressman Clay Higgins joins the Louisiana Freedom Caucus standing in opposition to SR152 (and its HR323 mini-me in the House), an ill-informed, bigoted attempt to smear Louisiana School Superintendent Cade Brumley and Prager University, a 501(C)(3) non-profit educational organization, founded by Dennis Prager, one of the most preeminent Jewish voices in America today.
“The audacity and sheer ignorance of this attempt by our Democrat colleagues to smear one of the leading Jewish voices in America as antisemitic is a testament to the Democratic Party’s shoot, ready, aim method of operation that has left them on life support in Louisiana,” said Beryl Amedee, Chairman of the Louisiana Freedom Caucus. “Prager University is renowned for teaching American exceptionalism, and our imperfect founding, yet they also teach that our American ideals and values are superior to those who wish to enslave America to communism. We at the Louisiana Freedom Caucus welcome the balance that the PragerU/LDOE partnership brings to school curriculum to counter the hate-America agenda of the Left that is rampant in our country today.”
"Senator Fields should respect the people of Louisiana enough to research actual facts before he orchestrates the introduction of a Resolution that somebody else wrote. He's way out of his depth here. PragerU is deeply committed to Constitutionalist principles. Cleo Fields apparently opposes those principles," said Rep. Clay Higgins, member of the House Freedom Caucus.
#LAFreedomCaucus #lalege #lagov
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They want to stop anyone, any 8rhanization that speaks truth of our Savior, of our Constitutiin and our wise inspired Foundinh Fathers. All of us in Louisiana need to stand euth this man and the prager university. We must stand oir righteousness, even those who may not have a testiony of our Savior,know or should know the difference in right or erong, good or bad and should seek to stand for peoples freedoms, liberties, for all mankind. Prager U are being persecuted because they speak of good things, they honor our great Constitution and because he is a jew . Just kniw when Christ returns he will gather HIS PEOPLE and his people will also include the jews who know he is the Savior of this world. Lets unite together in Louisiana and stand with those who bring forth good fruit regardkess of the color of their skin or theur nationality or religious choice. God says we will know them by their fruits. Not once have i heard anything from Prager U that didnt stand on the side of that which is good. As long as they proclaim good things, love, peace, freedom and liberty i stand with them. Are we going to sit back and watch our neighbors, briothers and sisters in our community be wrongfully attacked? I WILL NOT!