FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 14, 2023
CONTACT: press@lafreedomcaucus.org, (225) 267-7858
BATON ROUGE—The Louisiana Freedom Caucus will expand in the upcoming legislative session and wholeheartedly supports conservative leadership from incoming Governor-Elect Jeff Landry. For far too long, liberals and self-serving politicians have been literally choking the life out of our beloved Louisiana. This has only intensified over the past eight years through the abuse of power by soon-to-be former Governor John Bel Edwards and his myrmidons who suffered staggering losses in the recent elections. They are now trying to spin Edwards’ legacy to distort the realities Louisianans are facing as a result of his failed liberal policies.
There is no clearer indicator of this failure of governance in Louisiana than the exodus of our people. As summed up and solidly referenced on Census.gov, according to the latest available Louisiana numbers, between 2016 (pop. 4,678,135) and 2022 (pop. 4,590,241) the United States grew 3.2 percent in the same time frame, Louisiana’s Republican-run southern neighbor states were blessed with a 5.2 percent increase in residents while Louisiana lost 1.9 percent—88,000 people—as they hit the exits in search of better economic opportunity, better schools and less crime.
This is unacceptable. The people of Louisiana have given Governor-Elect Landry a conservative mandate and the strong support of our Freedom Caucus members will be key to its successful execution.
“Jeff Landry is no stranger to the Louisiana Freedom Caucus. His outside the box thinking is crucial to quickly turn around our state and provide what government is supposed to provide for its people: a Louisiana where our streets are safe, we educate our children in the fundamentals, we protect life and liberty, we stop spending money we do not have on things we do not need and we get over-burdensome government regulation out of the way of our state’s entrepreneurs. We believe Governor Jeff Landry’s vision will serve to hand the blessings of liberty and prosperity to Louisiana’s future generations,” said Beryl Amedée, Executive Officer of the Louisiana Freedom Caucus.
“The Louisiana Freedom Caucus looks forward to being the tip of the spear in bringing our new governor’s conservative agenda across the finish line,” Amedée added.
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Great! Reverse Eminent Domain ruling before they steal our land for the Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage (CCUS) Scam. Why aren't you posting on Twitter?
I’m disappointed that Speaker Johnson pushed through the NDAA ($900 Billion) with FISA. This is allowing the Government to spy on Americans